假如你希望自己的愛人具有這樣的形象,那么在你的潛意識 里,可能很討厭有勇無謀的“大老粗”,而卻很崇尚智慧型的男性學者形象,所以希望自己的愛人屬于溫文爾雅,很有學問的類型,雖然這種人可能在身體方面有些 柔弱,但是其智慧卻可以滿足你心理上的成就感。在現實中,你是不是也喜歡這種類型的男孩子呢?
Dream of wearing glasses to wear casual clothes to the prince charming
If you want to love with the image, then in your subconscious mind, may hate to be more brave than wise "uneducated", and was advocating intelligent male scholar image, so I hope their love of refined and cultured, knowledgeable type, although this may be the body a little weak, but its but the wisdom you can satisfy the psychological sense of achievement. In reality, is it right? You also like this type of boy?
假如你希望自己的愛人這樣打扮來同自己約會,那么在你的潛 意識里,你可能更喜歡比自己年紀大一些的,性格成熟、穩重,做事冷靜、現實,父兄般的愛人形象,這樣的傾向可能是因為你小時候很依戀父親,或者是從小就失 去父愛,所以會喜歡這種男人,希望對方能夠給自己提供保護和安全感。
Dream of wearing sunglasses suit prince charming
If you want my love dress up to date with her, then in your subconscious mind, you may be more loving than their older, mature, stable, things calm, realistic, and love the image, this tendency may be because you was very attached to his father, or from he lost to love, so love this man, I hope you can give yourself to provide protection and security.
Dream to wear swimming trunks with life preserver of the white king.
If you want my love dress so fit, sexy with her dating, it doesn't mean you are a" sex" desire, in the dream, as naked as when one was born is a symbol of health, and hand buoy is sensible substitute, so say, you choose one, you value is the health of each other and be well-educated and trained in military exercises, and not at all what bodybuilding sexy things.